Polish Finest Vodkas
Polish vodkas
We are exporter of food and drink from Poland. Below are just some of the products that we export to United Kingdom and Benelux countries from our well established and recognised producers and wholesalers.
Superior quality vodka from Poland Heritages combine with trendy bottle Taste and Enjoy!
Extra Zytnia - well
known and well
recognised polish
vodka. Slim shape of
the bottle conceals
noble content -
characteristic and
harmonious rye
taste that stems
from perfect synergy
of combining
traditional recipe
and modern
production process.
Polish Land pure vodka:
“Polish Land vodka is produced with
traditional method from luxury neutral
spirit of the premium class and highly
crystal clean water. ”
Polish Land cherry vodka:
“Cherry vodka is produced on the basis
of natural cherry concentrate. Long
seasoned in suitable containers what is
granting the delicate and natural taste
of the cherry."
Supreme taste
The unique flavour of our beers comes from:
- postglacial water – crystal clear and perfect in taste, drawn from our own intakes situated among the moraine hills
- yeast from our own propagation station
- hop – from the famous Lublin hop – aromatic and bitter
- malting barley – our own crop, from which malt is produced through strict selection of barley,
- the passion and skills of our brewers and the centuries-old tradition of the region, which enables us to draw on the old recipes handed down from generation to generation.
Core is a delicious Vollbier and a pure natural
Superior malt gives the beer its distinctive full
round body. Superior hops
are responsible for the gentle and smooth
bitter finish. Selected Styrian pumpkin seeds,
carefully roasted, add a delicate nut flavor.
Proper carbonation contributes to the
outstanding taste of this specialty beer. |
A beer with secret power. It has
a full, intense flavour and
a unique colour characteristic
for bock beers.
It is brewed according to
ancient recipes by the initiated
brewing masters of the Amber
Brewery. Each of them knows
only a part of the recipe, and so
they meet once a year to create
a beer that delights in its
Regional brewery Beers with unique taste and quality
Strong dark beer of the porter
famili, characterised by a full taste
and rich aroma. Perfect with
gourmet desserts, and especially
dark chocolate.
The first Polish natural
beer recommended by
the Slow Food
Organization, and the
first one awarded by
the Ministry of
Agriculture the “Get to
Know Good Food” sign.
Not pasteurized and
with no preservatives.
Unique taste and quality of Łomza beer
mature slowly away from the hustle and
bustle of a big city. Łomza beer is brewed
in a brewery located in North-Eastern
Łomza kept its character of
true beer thanks to
regional origin and
attention to the
highest quality. The
characteristic green
packaging of Łomza
Export conceals
unique beer with
a soul.