About us
PBC would like to recommend you our polish standard vodka brand which represents excellent value for money.
Vodka to Taste and Enjoy by every adult in the World.
Tradition of Poland as the kingdom of all vodkas gives the privilege to set down the standards for vodka brands.
The Polish Standard represents all that.
Hundreds of years of traditional recipes. Superior quality of ingredients used for the distillation procedures from spiritus, pure grains to crystal mineral waters.
In addition the unique character of polish standard vodka, purity, strength and smooth exquisite appearance.
What we say:
Whisky for Great Britain
Cognacs, Champagnes for France
Bourbon for United States
Sake for Japan
Ouzo for Greece
Grappa for Italy
That’s without any question
However about the Vodka we say :
Vodka only from Poland
Our heritage national drink
The jewel in the crown
Taste and Enjoy